Health authorities and payers around the world now use Ex-PRICE!

The Ex-PRICE app is a powerful tool for drug-price comparisons, designed to provide support and insight to aid in decision making and strengthening the position of payers in the drug price negotiation process by providing access to data on international reference pricing (IRP), shortening the time it takes to derive (and update) benchmark prices.

All the necessary references to monitor prices in various countries at the same time. Try The Ex-PRICE and see for yourself!

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See how health authorities and payers use Ex-PRICE!

Health authorities and payers use Ex-PRICE for fast referencing of drug prices
1) Search for the price of an active substance using specific filters, e.g. country, brand, strength, originality status, MAH, price change +/- %,


What is the price of Rituximab 500 mg in selected countries? Sort from highest to lowest.

Filtering product Rutuximab 500mb by countries Czech republic and Croatia sorted by Highest to lowest
2) Search for the price of a pack using specific filters, e.g. country, brand, strength, originality status, MAH, price change +/- %


What is the price of Mabtheara 500 mg in selected countries? Sort from highest to lowest.

Filtering product Mabthera 500mb by countries Germany and Norway sorted Highest to lowest
3) Search for the price of an active substance per mg or DDD using specific filters, e.g. country, brand, strength, originality status, MAH, price change +/- %


What is the price of 1 mg of Rituximab in selected countries? Sort from highest to lowest.

Filtering product Rutuximab with dose 1mb using conditions of Price highest and lowest with a result of price range
Health authorities and payers use Ex-PRICE to search for cheaper alternatives of drugs to be imported
Search for the price of an active substance using specific filters, e.g. country, brand, strength


What is the price of 1 mg of Rituximab in selected countries? Sort from highest to lowest.

Filtering product Pembrolizumab by lowest price in countries Czech republic and Croatia
Health authorities and payers use Ex-PRICE to compare the levels of reimbursement in other countries
The reimbursement of a drug (per pack, mg, DDD) using specific filters, e.g. country, brand, strength


What is the reimbursement of Rituximab 500 mg in selected countries? Sort from highest to lowest.

Filtering by condition Reimbursement of product Rutuximab 500mb in country Poland sorted from Highest to lowest
Health authorities and payers also use notifications!
Email notifications can help you monitor new launches and price reductions of drugs


Daily notifications on new generic launches of Adalimumab in selected countries, or a price drop of at least 10%.

Setting up daily notifications for new generics launches of product Adalimumab in countries Slovakia and Croatia or when price drops at least by ten percent

Key features of Ex-PRICE

Daily updates

Daily updates

We update Ex-PRICE on a daily basis, so you always have quick access to the latest information. You will never miss a price change thanks to daily updates and custom email notifications.

Price history

Price history

Continuous monitoring of prices and more than 10-year historical data can simplify research and decision-making concerning the positioning of your medicines in the right spot on the market.



Ex-PRICE means you get only the results you are searching for from among 2 millions of drugs, using custom filters, like brands, MAHs, originals/generics/biosimilar, price range etc. Ex-PRICE is the only database of its kind that lets you make very specific searches, based on biologics and gene therapy, orphan status, price range, number of importers, etc.

Price points

Price points

Ex-PRICE provides information on all price points published in local databases, including country-specific prices and reimbursements. With Ex-PRICE, you get exclusive access to price points that are not available in published sources, as they are calculated using specific national margins and taxes.

Calculation of reference prices

Calculation of reference prices

The referencing of drug prices has never been so quick. For certain countries, Ex-PRICE is able to manage the process of referencing drug prices according to local requirements - in just a few seconds!

Email notifications

Email notifications

Ex-PRICE keeps you notified by email anytime there is a change in your field of interest. You can set very specific notifications according to your needs, using various filters like country, INN, brand, strength, originality status, MAH, price change +/- %, etc. You decide if you wish to be notified about changes in price, new launches or withdrawals.

Export in tables

Export in tables

Not only can you easily download reports from Ex-PRICE to Excel, but we are also able to produce tailor-made outputs for you in other predefined formats.

Choose a plan that best suits you

490€ / monthly

Number of users*

1 - 3

Designed for users who want to search for prices and basic information about drugs, including SmPC and package leaflets.
Learn more
690€ / monthly

Number of users*

4 - 6

Extended functionalities and access to drug price and reimbursement from all EU countries.
Learn more
830€ / monthly

Number of users*


The complete version of Ex-PRICE, which additionally includes unlimited number of users and delivery of data through the API interface.
Learn more
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*The price is applicable to a single affiliate. In case of more than 1 affiliate, the price per affiliate decreases.